
Robin Hood and his Merry Men will put a smile on your face with this charming effort from Rabcat. It presents itself as a royal-themed extravaganza with regal music of trumpets where Robin Hood is sometimes distracted to participate in archery games under the behest of the Sheriff of Nottingham. Want to see Little John brandish his stick or Friar Tuck drink a pint of beer? Simply get the right combination on the reels and watch the magic unfold. What transpires are two separate games where you can gamble your winnings and get Robin to play a 50/50 game of target practice or simply keep plugging away at the slot.
旗帜突出; 他们登上了足够的土地,你将获得奖励,他们会咆哮着欣喜地欢迎大赢。 除此之外还有一个通过从上到下获得三个皇家符号而形成的获胜组合。 如果您可以在电路板上放置其中三个符号,那么还有10免费旋转。 然后,这将产生射箭游戏,其中罗宾采取由诺丁汉警长提出的目标练习,因为旋转自动生成。 这款游戏的动画非常稚气,但在执行方面很有吸引力,应该吸引新人进入精彩的在线广告世界。

谢林的罗宾 更新: 2019 年 1 月 14 日 作者: 阿米尔贝瑞